Tubecast app
Tubecast app

tubecast app
  1. #Tubecast app for windows 10#
  2. #Tubecast app android#
  3. #Tubecast app tv#

The app also supports Picture-in-Picture so you can have your video playing in a corner while you do other work. You can upload your videos from the app but you can also download your favorite videos directly to your device.

#Tubecast app tv#

The app also follows some fluent design guidelines with a blurred background and it also has a TV mode if you want to watch YouTube on your TV using your laptop.

tubecast app

On the website, you have to scroll down to see comments. Some might even like it better than watching YouTube on the web, given how it lets you read and respond to comments while watching the video. Utilizzare questo lettore multimediale con Tubecast per godersi i video di YouTube a 360 gradi (4K supportato). With that app you can not download video. The app isn’t free which may be a let down for some but if you’re sure you want to use an app to watch YouTube, it is quite worth it. GoPro VR Player is a 360-degree video & photo player for desktop computers: watch 360. It is also one of the most popular YouTube clients on Windows. Das hnelt also vielen anderen Social-Media-Apps. Die Videos sind nur wenige Sekunden lang und knnen mit einem Herz belohnt werden, wenn sie dem Nutzer gefallen. Mit der App kann der Nutzer kurze Videoszenen kreieren und mit Musik hinterlegen. We’ll start off the list with what we think is the best YouTube client you’ll find on the Microsoft Store, myTube. Die App Tik Tok ist besonders bei jungen Leuten aktuell sehr beliebt. Besides the apps listed below, you should also try the TubeBuddy tool for YouTube.

#Tubecast app for windows 10#

So, there are also enough YouTube apps for Windows 10 by third-party developers for platforms that do not officially have a YouTube app like Windows 10.

#Tubecast app android#

There are quite a few unofficial YouTube apps even on platforms like Android which do have a YouTube app. What is a minority for a big company like Google, is an opportunity for third-party developers. Since these users are in minority, Google probably never will launch a YouTube app for Windows. The world has over 7 billion different kinds of people though and that some people would prefer to use a YouTube app on their desktops shouldn’t come as a surprise. It is much easier and more convenient to use Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. On Desktops, one might argue that apps for web services don’t exactly make much sense. With these 4 YouTube apps for your Windows 10 desktop, you can enjoy video content without visiting. There wasn’t an official YouTube app on Windows when Windows Mobile was around, and there isn’t one now.

tubecast app

When it comes to Windows though, Google has been pretty reluctant to develop any apps for the platform. If YouTube search is counted as a search engine, it would be second only to Google itself. It’s the largest online video platform with the largest user base and nothing else is even close. At least you can avoid Android by going all Apple but YouTube is pretty much unavoidable if you’re online. YouTube is one of those Google products that just keeps growing and growing like Android.

Tubecast app